62,F with CKD presenting with SOB

30th September 2021

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

A 62 year old female presented with complaints of pedal edema, shortness of breath, and decreased urine output

K.Medha Reddy, 9th semester.
Roll No: 51

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.


A 60 year old female came to the casualty at 6:30 PM with 

• pedal edema
• decreased urine output
• shortness of breath 
   Since 4 days.

Patient was apparently assymptomatic 11 months ago, then she developed lower back pain with early fatiguability. She went to a hospital in Khammam where her X-ray chest and scans were normal and she was prescribed NSAIDS for 3 months. 

Then she then developed loss of appetite, early fatiguability, and swelling of hers arms and legs 7 months ago. These complaints were presented on 25th March 2021.

On 25/03/21, her investigation reports were as follows:
Serum creatinine : 7.2 mg/dl
Blood urea : 147 mg/dl 
BUN : 69 ( N = 8 - 23 mg/dl)
Hb% :  6.8 mg/dl 

• She developed S.O.B  3 months ago, with puffiness of face (entire face) and pedal edema (putting typer grade 2).

• She was diagnosed with chronic kidney failure with acute febrile illness at Suryapet on the basis of her complaints as on 17th August 2021 being fever since 3days
S.O.B grade 4 since 2 days.

• Investigation to support: as on 17th August:
On general examination:
BP : 120/80mmHg
Pallor: +. ;  Crepts:  +  ;  Pedal edema: +
- serum creatinine : 11.0 mg/dl. 
- Total WBC : 42,000 ( N = 4,000 - 10,000)
Treatment undergone:
Low salt diet less than 3g/d
Fluid intake less than 1 lt/d
Inj. Zostum 1.5gm BD
T.sodocel thrice a day
T. Phostat 400mg at afternoon with food
T. Calci-cz once every alternate day
T. Dytor 100mg OD
Inj. H.erypro 4000U SC thrice in a week.

On 22/06/21 when reviewed her,
Serum creatinine is 11.3 mgldl and was advised regarding need for initiation of RRT (Renal Replacement Therapy)
And she was transferred to our hospital. 
 She presented with:
• pedal edema - grade 2
                          - pitting type
• decreased urine output since 4 days
• shortness of breath - since 4 days.
                                      - grade 4
                                      - orthopnea : + 

She has been undergoing dialysis in our hospital since then.


She is a k/c/o Hypertension, diagnosed 3 yrs ago.
She is using Atenolol since then. 
No history of DM/TB/Asthma/Epilepsy/Thyroid disorders
Past surgical history: she has undergone hysterectomy 10 yrs ago.

Appetite: decreased since 7mo
Diet: mixed
Bowel habits: regular
Decreased urine output
Sleep: decreased due to shortness of breath, and pain due to central line.
Addictions: Nil



Patient is conscious, coherent, and cooperative
Moderately nourished and moderately built.
Consent was taken and was examined in a well lit room.


HR: 101bpm | 98bpm
BP: 140/90 mmHg |  130/80 mmHg
RR: 31 cpm |  26 cpm
Temp: afebrile
SpO2 : 87 | 94 

Pallor: present
Icterus: x
Cyanosis: x
Clubbing: x
Lymphadenopathy: x 
Edema: pedal edema grade 2


CVS: S1, S2 heard, no added murmurs

RS: NVBS heard
B/L air entry present
No abnormal sounds were heard.

w r.t  S.O.B  Tachypnea is present
Orthopnea/PND - present (S.O.B Grade 4)

CNS: All motor reflexes are normal

P/A: soft, non tender.

INVESTIGATIONS: (postive findings):

• Hb% - 6.6%
• Serum creatinine - 6.2 ( N = 0.74 - 1.35 mg/dl)
• Blood urea - 119 ( N = 5 - 20 mg/dl)
• On USG - B/L Grade 2 Renal pelvic diameter
- CMD (cortico-medullary differentiation) partially maintained.
• X-ray chest (PA view): 30/09/21

• low salt diet
• oxygen therapy (to control tachypnea)
• bicarbonate
• urine output management
• blood transfusion for Anemia (Hb-6.6%)
• dialysis  

Serum creatinine chart:
25/03/21 - 7.3 mg/dl
17/08/21 - 11.0 mg/dl
22/08/21 - 11.3 mg/dl
20/09/21 - 6.2 mg/dl


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